Barbell Tracker


This is an open source application aimed at wightlifters
and powerlifters with
VBT in mind, that provides video analysis
using OpenCV.js, with the following features implemented:

- Barbell Path Tracker
- Realtime Concentric Velocity
- Realtime Acceleration
- Realtime Horizontal Displacement

The main features are available under Background Subtraction, while Meanshift and
Camshift are proof of concepts used only for tests.


Do the following for better results.

- Use a non reflective green sticker or object in one end of the barbell (Background Subtraction Method)
- Use a video with a low bitrate
- Trim video beforehand

- Background Subtraction automatically identifies the green point in the video.
Just load the file and click "analyze".

- For Meanshift and Camshift, load the video,
click "analyze" and draw a bounding box around the barbell.

GitHub Repository